July 09, 2011

The guiding light.

            Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you? It hurts, doesn’t it? After trusting that person with your life, she just abandons you. Yes, I have been forsaken by none other than my so-called “bestfriend.” Even after being committed to each other for years, she just threw all that time, memories, feelings away… My pain and anguish, since she left me, has been severe. Although I tried, very hard in fact, to salvage whatever was left of our friendship, my efforts went astray. She kept eluding me, or if she did notice me, she always left me cold out in the pouring rain, in the beautiful twilight sky. I am without my “bestfriend,” probably about the only true friend I ever had.

            That is, until I have reconciled with God. When I had nobody else, I have God with me, forever and always. Though I have neglected Him many times before, He was still ready to receive me in His loving arms. God has been the guiding light, which has put me out of my misery, and has given me my soul back, or maybe even better. Why better? Of course it is better, with God as my pilot, why not? God is the key to our salvation, which is reflected in Psalm 13:5; “I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.” I am living, and will continue to live because of Him. And when the time comes, I know He will save me through His grace, for I am His child, His faithful servant, now until forever.

            Even being in the loving presence of the Lord, my mind still torments me. The human mind is indeed nefarious. While I have learned to forgive her in my heart, my mind is still yearning for retribution. My heart has long forgiven her, but my mind has not forgotten what she has done. An endless struggle, between my mind and my heart. What to do, what to do? While I was dazed, I happen to have come upon a verse, which will help me settle this dispute once and for all. “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” -Romans 12:19. After reading that verse, I know now what to do. God has, yet again, guided me towards the light. Blessed is God, for He is king!

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